Dear Colleagues,

We are happy to express our pleasure to have being publishing magazine "Civilization". "Civilization" publishes authentic articles on history, anthropology, political sciences, philosophy, social sciences, filology, art criticism and other sciences. 

Please allow us to introduce our new editorial staff consisting of respected specialists on humanitarian and social sciences. Moreover, we would like to accelerate the progress and achievements of the magazine and increase the scientific importance and the number of readers  by publishing high quality original researches. Our main aim is to disclose potent research works, to enlarge scientists' international relations and enhance the scope of the fields that magazine cover. It's noteworthy that the issues printed in this magazine can be used in peer-reviewed meetings as materials.

Civilization magazine guarantees to publish opinions on new books, articles dedicated to substantial scientific problems in the shortest period of time.

As an independent publishing, Civilization magazine targets at becoming a forum about researches on scientific and rational development history as well as on other large spectres of science. Being an organization, we prioritize codes of behavior and guidance. Aiming at improvement, we assure you to be always open to your opinions.

Relying on cooperation with you, we look forward to contemporary and valuable articles.

We hope for active support and cooperation with you.

Truly yours,

PHD prof. Huseynov
